Entries by WM-admin1

June Newsletter

A powerboat rally to the River Yealm is scheduled for Saturday the 15th June, for boats that can maintain a speed of about 18 knots.   We aim to meet at the Normandy Pontoon in Salcombe at about 10am. Anyone interested should contact Ian Slade via email, sladeian@icloud.com or mobile 07789 727253 providing the type of boat and […]

Kingsbridge sewage pollution

Latest news about the pollution in Kingsbridge and other matters. Ref. the recent sewage pollution into the Kingsbridge Basin; the following has been received from South Devon Coast and Landscapes (previously S.Devon AONB).  We are also awaiting replies on the subject from the Enviroment Agency and the South Hams Environment Health Dept. via Salcombe Harbour Authority. […]

March 2024 Newsletter – Update

Thanks to all those members who attended the 2024 AGM, minutes of that meeting will follow soon but briefly all the present committee members and officers were re-elected. David Brimson was confirmed as Treasurer. A discussion about future subscription rates resulted in general acceptance that, should the need arise, an increase to £20 pa for […]

February 2024 Newsletter – Spring Social Programme

The spring 2024 social programme has been added to the calendar on the KEBC web site and is as follows: Wednesday 20th March ‘Filling a niche in the search and rescue network’ with Richard Povall, Station Manager, National Coastwatch Institution, Prawle Point. Wednesday 17th April ‘Reflections on an Atlantic Circuit (Learning to cruise a sailing […]

Jan 2024 Newsletter – Wine tasting, membership subs, Gill netting in the Estuary

Wine tasting, membership subs, Gill netting in the Estuary The survey by IFCA  about the legalising of gill netting within the Kingsbridge/Salcombe Estuary ends on January 19th.  Any members wishing to make their views known should follow the advice given in the December 2023 newsletter which you will have received by email.  The newsletter is also available on www.kebc.co.uk under […]

Navigation, VHF, etc. training schedule 2024

KINGSBRIDGE ESTUARY BOAT CLUB (THE CLUB) The following from Andy Thomson, the RYA instructor who runs shore based training sessions for KEBC’ “Andy and Theresa Thomson will be exhibiting their ‘Boat on a Board’ offering at Malborough hall on the morning of December 16th. If you are going to be staying at the Cottage Hotel on the night […]

November Newsletter

Roger Barrett’s talk about Salcombe sailing history on Wednesday 15th, was well received by over 30 members, many of whom purchased books.  Roger donated his fee and our raffle takings to his charity, Salcombe Maritime Museum. During the evening Richard Smith, our bosun, announced that he had had a conversation with EML Autos who have recently opened […]

November Newsletter

On November 15th. Roger Barrett will talk about his book A Maritime History of Salcombe which, of course, includes references to the fruit schooners built in Kingsbridge.  At the Regal, 7pm for 7.30.  The evening with Simon Ballantine on Nov. 1st attracted 40 members and I expect Roger’s talk to be similarly successful, be early to get a good seat! Bookings […]