Please read this letter in its entirety

Summary of the meeting of the Chairman of Salcombe Harbour Authority, Cllr. Mark Long,  with the Committee of Kingsbridge Estuary Boat Club on May 8th 2024
The meeting commenced at 7pm, KEBC Chair Tony Watson welcomed Mark to the Regal meeting room and the committee members introduced themselves.

Mark had been given a summary of the items which the committee had asked to be discussed and these were dealt with, starting with the request that SHDC/SHA consider helping KEBC with the costs of insuring Boatwatch volunteers and providing high vis clothing during their patrols.  Mark reported that the authorities were broadly in agreement with this and would contribute either by reimbursing the Club’s costs or bringing Boatwatch within the Harbour’s liability insurance.  Chair Tony Watson to meet the SHA Harbourmaster to discuss the best way forward.

The need for dinghy racks to be provided at the head of the Kingsbridge Slipway, similar to the New Bridge racks, is agreed by the Authorities and it is hoped that the work could be started during the winter of 2024/25.  The installation of the skateboard park had prevented work this winter.  It was remarked that some boatowners that had small boats on the Kingsbridge pontoons might want to move their boats from  the pontoons to the racks. This to be discussed along with the design of racks when the KEBC Chair and Harbourmaster meet.

Kingsbridge pontoon spaces: there are berths that are not fully used and remain empty for long periods of the year.  SHA is aware of the problem and is looking at ways to deal with the matter.  A scheme to make it financially attractive for boat owners to make their moorings available to SHA will be investigated.

It is known that some owners when selling their boats allow the new owners to continue using the Pontoon space.  The rule is that when a boat is sold, the mooring is surrendered to SHA and is allocated to the next suitable applicant on the waiting list.  Ways of checking that boat ownership has not changed when the annual renewal of spaces takes place, including the checking of insurance documents, were discussed.  Any members aware of the rules being broken are urged to report the matter to SHA.  It cannot be guaranteed that anonymity will be maintained, if requested, especially if the matter results in legal action.

Ways of increasing the number of pontoon spaces in Kingsbridge basin are under investigation by SHA.  The removal of moorings previously owned by Rivermaid Boatyard has resulted in some commercial spaces being available.  There have been no serious applications from businesses wanting to take the spaces over.  All aspects of providing new spaces are being looked at.  KEBC will be consulted on any new scheme under discussion; the earliest time that any work could take place would be the spring of 2025 for a 2026 roll out, 2026 is also when the next dredge of the basin is planned.  Ferry access to Kingsbridge is also under discussion with the possibility of providing a pontoon landing as the Lady Mary is much smaller than the Rivermaid.

Security in the basin with CCTV cameras ashore and additional patrols by SHA, with an extra boatman being employed, is to be improved.  Patrol times are being adjusted to be more in tune with tide times than at present; SHA is working more with the police as Kingsbridge Police station becomes more active and it is hoped that Police officers will sometimes accompany SHA boatmen on patrol.

Speeding boats are not only a danger to other water users but have a negative effect on the environment as do boats that anchor in sensitive areas;  the SHA and the Environment Agency are looking at dwarf sea grass beds especially where there are gouges across them from badly navigated boats.  Buoys might be located around these beds.  In addition to environmental concerns there are often cases of boats being overloaded and driven unsafely.  SHA to run safety awareness campaigns.

The Harbour Byelaws and Harbour Regulation Orders are being updated to deal with all misdemeanours.  This could include signage on landings and slipways encouraging safe boating.

Water Quality is under review with SW Water and the Environment Agency involved. This will involve looking at the type of monitoring that takes place, expanding where identified and working with interested parties but the Kingsbridge/Salcombe Estuary (Ria) with its salt content is not so easy and requires some different monitoring from those estuaries that have larger river catchment areas.

This meeting finished around 8pm and SHA Chair Cllr. Mark Long was thanked for his very full and informative contribution by KEBC Committee members.

Subsequent to this meeting I have been in conversation with the Harbourmaster and the SHDC Officer in charge of insurances about how to transfer the cover for Boatwatch volunteers to the Harbour Authority.  As the KEBC insurance renewal date is June 2nd 2024  I am treating this item as my priority.

A very promising start has been made on all fronts with this meeting and I will keep you informed.

Tony Watson