Report from your committee including the Christmas Dinner Date!!!
Your committee met on Wednesday Sept. 4th at the Regal and received reports from officers. Membership now stands at 169 family memberships, meaning we probably represent over 300 people. Our finances are in good order, the latest payment was our contribution to the Kids Afloat (which we run in conjunction with S. Pool boat club) which amounted to £650. This sum is paid from our charity account which is kept fluid by raffle ticket sales, donations, etc and does not use members’ subscriptions. We also contribute towards the annual visit of Children from Chernobyl which has not taken place since the outbreak of war in Ukraine. However we have continued donating as funds from the UK still go to help the young people affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
Boatwatch has progressed mostly quietly through the summer with no major ocurrences up to the recent disappearance of a large RIB. There are numerous boats moored on the Kingsbridge pontoons without effective springs leading aft from their bows. This results in damage to the vessels’ bows and to the fendering on the pontoons. I did check one offending boat against our register of members’ boats and, naturally, it transpired that the offender was not a Club member! However if any member notices that any of their neighbours are not properly moored, perhaps they could give them a little friendly advice.
We have a stand at Kingsbridge Show on Saturday Sept. 7th. Please drop in and see us for a chat about the Club’s future.
The Winter Calendar has been mostly sorted and runs as follows:
September 13th cruise in company to the Yealm. Interested boat owners should contact Ian Slade
October 16th Simon Ballantine, cruise to Norway, an illustrated talk at the Regal which follows Simon’s Iceland voyage last autumn.
November 20th SW Coast path walk. More information in due course
December 14th Christmas at the Cottage Hotel. Get this in your calendar now, booking forms will follow later.
January 15th Wine tasting at the Regal with Barrel and Still.
February 12th AGM
March TBA
We are in discussion with a potential new training provider. Hopefully we will be able to offer courses, similar to those previously offered, next year.
Conversations between KEBC and SHA will continue now that the Harbour’s busy period is coming to an end. Moorings, dinghy racks and liabiity insurance costs are on the agenda.
I have asked for volunteers to help with committee work many times with very little response. Fortunately we might have found a couple of people willing to help but we could do with more. I long for the day when I can say sorry we have more than enough volunteers already!!
Come and have a chat at Kingsbridge Show tomorrow.
See you there,
Tony Watson.