Your committee met on July 4th, sorry for the delay in reporting to you, I had a short horse riding holiday!  Our secretary, Andy Thomson, has had to retire from the committee due to ill health but he remains our training provider.  Please do not hesitate to contact him, details on our web site, for any training requirements.  Juliette Bird has volunteered to become our secretary and the committee welcomed her on board. 

Another long standing member of the committee has also retired.  Norman Hore is about to become President of Kingsbridge Rotary and is also involved with welcoming Ukranian refugees to Kingsbridge.  He felt that he could not give us the time we deserve from a committee member and has retired to make way for someone with time and energy available.  He did not have a specific role, apart from being very familiar with the Regal’s electronics which was very useful, and so we would be glad to listen to any member who feels they might bring something useful to the committee.  The committee wishes him well for the future.

I am afraid that logistics meant that we have been unable to rearrange the Frogmore BBQ as was suggested in my last newsletter, we are working on it.
The Kids Afloat scheme is working well, nearly 100 pupils from local primary schools have gone afloat with Singing Paddles and three more sessions were planned which will swell numbers to about 150.  They all seemed to enjoy themselves as do the teachers and parents that accompany them.  Dave Halsall makes the sessions very informative about the environment together with guidance about paddling.  This scheme is financed by KEBC, assisted by South Pool Cruising Club.

Boatwatch is running well with very few ocurrencies being reported although we have heard of two kayaks being stolen from Bowcombe recently, their securing wire had been cut;  please ensure  your dinghies are well secured. 

A rumour is circulating that Boatwatch members are taking names of boats using the visitors berth in Kingsbridge and reporting them to Salcombe Harbour Office.  This is untrue.  If you hear it, please correct whoever is passing it on. 

Members’ adverts are now in new hands and working well.  We had received a suggestion from a local yacht broker that they might put members’ adverts on our web site for them.  The committee decided to decline the offer.

SHA reported that some tidying up of fenders, etc. on the Kingsbridge pontoons had been carried out, although no new fenders had been fitted.  Merlin Rocket week has passed and the Harbour staff numbers are now up to full summer strength.  Our representative on Salcombe Harbour Board has retired and a new person is being appointed, we hope to meet him at our next meeting in August.  I had recently been asked about disabled access to boats, a subject I hope to discuss with SHA soon. 

Enjoy the heat, I will be in touch soon about further social events. 

Tony Watson